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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Happy Holidays

I have been such a SLACKER with this blog!!!! One of my New Year's Resolutions is going to be to keep up with this better! We have been so busy around here, it's just crazy! Manze started preschool this year (K3). She goes ALL DAY and wears a uniform! She has to be at school by 7:45 and she is done at 2:00. She goes to after school until I get off work and pick her up! She has gotten so big and independent! I'm so excited for her but sad at the same time! My baby is growing up! She LOVES her teacher Mrs. Montgomery and we love her too! I went to New York over Thanksgiving with some girlfriends and had a blast (pics to come)! I'm still monogramming away and really loving it! Tommy got a new job at UMC. He is over the Pharmacy and is in charge of buying the drugs for the pharmacy. We are so excited to be on Christmas break and to finally have some time to relax! We had a little elf come visit us for the first time this year and Manze is just enamored with him! She named him Drew Brees...can you tell we are Saints fans at our house! My goal is to catch up with blogging and clean house these two weeks! Here are a few
pictures to start with!
Manze on her first day of Preschool in August!
Teresa and I in Times Square in NEW YORK CITY Thanksgiving week!