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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Kung Fu Panda

Yesterday Manze and I met Cindy, Emma, Michelle, and Richard at the movies to see Kung Fu Panda. What we thought was a great idea, turned out to be not so great! They all started out sitting in their seats eating their popcorn and watching the movie. Then, one by one they all got down and started playing instead! In the middle of that Manze announced that she needed to go potty! Since we are doing so well I thought it was time to tackle the "public potty!" Ugh, Not a great idea! I took Manze to the bathroom and put about 5 layers of toilet paper on the seat. Then I sat her down telling her not to touch anything. We sat there and sat there and sat there until finally she tee teed the tiniest little trickle you can imagine! She started clapping and yelling YAY! I was thinking all that for this tiny trickle! Then I told her to wait because Mommy had to go and the next thing I know she's laying on the floor! Gagging, I yanked her up and told her not to touch the floor because it was dirty! Gross! Major hand washing went on after that! We go back into the theater and about 2 minutes later she announces, really loud, I have to go potty! It was soon after that we all decided the kids were playing and not watching the movie, so we left early! Better luck next time!
Manze sitting in her booster seat at the movies

Not really watching the can see Manze crying in 2 pics because I was taking the pics! She wanted me on the other side of the "gate."

This is what Manze & Emma would have rather had, yummy candy!

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