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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Potty Training Part II

Well, potty training has gone SO much better since the last time I posted! Manze has been pottying so well (she still has setbacks) but she is trying hard! Tommy and I told her that every time she went to the potty she would get a sticker and when she got 10 stickers she would get to get a sno cone! She's gotten a sno cone twice! Wahoo!! Of course, we also give a little "potty candy" each time she uses the potty! Now, if I can only be brave enough to leave her in big girl panties all day around the house and tackle a public bathroom (EWWW) we will make great strides I know! Here are some pictures of her actually on the potty this time! Wahoo!

Am I done yet?

Yay...I want "potty candy!"


Tate Family said...

Hey Robin! I created it, uploaded it to Photobucket, right-clicked it to save it on my hard drive (while looking at it in Photobucket), and then logged in to Blogger to upload the banner from my hard drive. I also clicked, "shrink to fit." Hope that helps!! Email me if you need more help. (

Hillary Jordan said...

I just wanted to stop by and say "thanks" for linking Address to Impress to your blog! Lately, we've received from visits through you. Please let us know if you are ever in need of paper products.


Littlejohn's said...

Love your new banner!!!!! Cute, Cute, Cute! I hope to make a trip to Jackson before schools starts back........