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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Swimming Lessons...

with Daddy!!! They had FUN!

Here are some pics from week #2

We LOVED swimming lessons with Lu Lee...Manze keeps asking when she is going again! I am very impressed with how much Manze learned and how far she came from Day one! I am glad, though that we don't have to wake up and hurry to lessons anymore! Here is Manze when I had to wake her up on our last afternoon lesson! She was NOT happy that I woke her up! Ugh! She likes her sleep like her mommy! :o)

1 comment:

Tammi said...

Hello! I am looking for contact information for Lu Lee swim lessons. I was searching on-line when your page came up. Would you mind e-mailing me a number where I could call her to schedule swim lessons? I would appreciate your help so much!!!! My e-mail is Thanks so much for your time. (I do not have a page on this site so would not know how to check messges here)